Calendar Disclaimer:

This calendar has been compiled by the Morgan County District Attorney’s office from Court calendars published by the Court based on anticipated dockets for the year. It does not reflect cases that have been specially set and may be revised from time to time. It is intended for informational purposes only. Any reliance thereon is solely at the risk of the visitor. While every effort has been made to keep this calendar accurate and current, the Morgan County DA’s office makes no guarantees or warranties regarding the information contained herein.  All court dates and times are subject to change without notice.  You should consult your attorney, notices from the Court, or the Clerk of the Court if you have questions about your court date. 

All dockets are presumed to begin at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise indicated.

Calendar Key:

CC = Criminal Court
CV = Circuit Civil
YO = Youthful Offender
DR = Domestic Relations
PTIP = Pre-Trial Intervention Program
RRU = Restitution Recovery Unit

JMH = Judge Jennifer Howell
CBE = Judge Charles B. Elliott
SFB = Judge Stephen F. Brown
BMC = Judge Brent Craig
SSW = Judge Shelly Waters
KRK = Judge Kevin Kusta

MISC. Week = Court appearances which may involve hearings such as arraignment, sentencing, probation revocations, bond revocations, bond reduction hearings, etc., but do not include trials.

District Court Calendars

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